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The past few years have not been very easy for Hong Kong, but 2023 felt a little more hopeful when

Like many families, we have a nativity scene at home that gets displayed every Christmas. It contains all the usual

I enjoy music; if you know me, you will know I have a talent for quickly recognising songs. This means

At the first Christmas, angels announced the birth of Jesus to shepherds saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven,

Pain and suffering are not topics we like to talk about, but unfortunately, it’s evident all around us, whether it’s

There’s an old saying, “There are no atheists in foxholes”. It’s a way of saying that times of extreme stress

This Sunday, we finish our series on work by thinking about rest. One of the ways we think about resting

When I first moved to Hong Kong, one of the first things I noticed was the dedication people poured into

Often when I tell people what my job is, being the Youth Director at St Andrew’s, the response is something

Hong Kong is a high-pressure environment and levels of stress are high across the board.  From trying to secure a