Get Involved


If you are new to St Andrew’s, or just exploring questions of life, faith and meaning, we’d love to get to know you a little bit better and help you find out more about our church community.


We encourage all who come to St Andrew’s not to just be spectators, but fully engaged partners in building God’s kingdom. There are many amazing ways you can volunteer!


We want to serve our city and follow Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbours. Our church partners with many individuals and organisations that seek to meet the material, social, and spiritual needs of people in Hong Kong and around the world.


We believe that everything we have comes from God, and that giving is part of our response to him. We want to do what he wants with all areas of our lives, including our money; it is the generosity of the church community that enables us to pursue our vision.


There are many ways by which we seek to provide practical care for one another at St Andrew’s.