As a community of Christians, we acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We find peace, joy, and purpose in his life, death, resurrection, and reign as King. Our belief is that God is not far away from us but has come to be with us and remain with us in his Son, Jesus. We exist to know God and make him known.
We are a community devoted to Jesus Christ,
who share his gospel, calling on people to follow him,
and seek the flourishing of Hong Kong.St Andrew’s Vision
Love Jesus
The core of Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. He is central to all that we do as Christians. Our lives should give expression to our faith in him, as we listen to his teaching, pray in his name, serve him in every aspect of our lives, trusting in his life-giving death and resurrection.
Teach the Bible
We believe that God speaks to us with clarity and life-changing power through the Bible. Through the Bible we can know God and be equipped to serve Him. His Spirit changes us through his Word, applying it to our hearts.
Share the Gospel
Christians are called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus to those around them. We recognise that God has put us in our position in Hong Kong for this purpose.
Build Community
The Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation. We need each other. Christian communities need to model to the world all the fullness and richness of what living under the lordship of Jesus looks like.
Serve the City
Jesus calls on us to love our neighbour. That will be seen in our faithful proclamation of Jesus to those around us. It should also be seen as we engage with the social, economic and welfare structures of Hong Kong, seeking the well-being of people in Hong Kong, as we serve them in practical ways.
Anglican Beliefs
As an Anglican Church in the reformed evangelical tradition, we recognise the authority of Scripture, uphold the truth of the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed, and use forms of service consistent with the teaching and practice of the Book of Common Prayer.