Read our weekly stories

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When I first started attending St. Andrew’s, I felt a calling to get involved in our church community. As Jesus

In the Bible, there’s a poignant moment when Jesus’ disciples argue over who among them is the greatest. Amidst this

Two weeks ago, someone asked me, “When do you head off?” referring to my upcoming holiday. I replied, “Not soon

This year, over 60 countries are conducting elections. It’s said to be a global record, more elections this year than

As a church, we recently spent a couple of months in the book of Deuteronomy. As you reflect on the

I never thought of my journey coming to Christ as particularly exciting or dramatic, but upon taking the time to

Fatherhood is a wonderful blessing and a source of great joy. It is a special privilege to take the lead

Over the next two months, our sermon series will be in 2 Corinthians. This seems very much like a letter

That is the question I had when I first joined the team at St Andrew’s to help look after “Oxygen”

This may sound strange to you, but I was pretty nervous the first few times I went to church. I