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Praying for Muslims during  Ramadan Praying for Muslims during  Ramadan Praying for Muslims during  Ramadan This Sunday is the beginning

How often do we long to hear “Well done” or “Good job”? When I was young, I didn’t particularly enjoy

I used to have a rugby coach who loved repeating the phrase, “There’s no ‘I’ in TEAM”. It was his

Have you ever listened to someone pray from their heart or watched someone’s faithfulness in prayer? Maybe you’re like me,

Happy Chinese New Year!  There is a fantastic buzz around this annual festival.  I particularly enjoy the way ancient traditions

Last Sunday, we thought about Jesus’ words to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask

On the 29th of October last year, we conducted an anonymous survey during our church services. The aim of this

It’s said that Ernest Shakelton, the famous Antarctic explorer, placed the following text in an English newspaper: “Men wanted for

A smiling young man shared his wish for 2024 in a recent TV news segment: “Make more money.” Who wouldn’t

Here at St. Andrew’s, we are fully committed to the received truth that the Bible is God’s word.  We are