Story Topic: Community

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When I told my pastor in Singapore I was moving to Hong Kong in 2023, his first concern was not

I used to have a rugby coach who loved repeating the phrase, “There’s no ‘I’ in TEAM”. It was his

Happy Chinese New Year!  There is a fantastic buzz around this annual festival.  I particularly enjoy the way ancient traditions

On the 29th of October last year, we conducted an anonymous survey during our church services. The aim of this

Often when I tell people what my job is, being the Youth Director at St Andrew’s, the response is something

Hong Kong is a high-pressure environment and levels of stress are high across the board.  From trying to secure a

Baptism is such an exciting time because it’s a public declaration of one’s commitment to the most important and loving

It’s impossible to overstate the privilege of being part of Sunday church: to be able to meet with God and

Although I had a Christian upbringing many years ago in the UK, I only now realise just how little attention

Do you remember being new to St. Andrew’s?  Perhaps that is a distant memory and you have been a part