Story Topic: Discipleship

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Two weeks ago, someone asked me, “When do you head off?” referring to my upcoming holiday. I replied, “Not soon

That is the question I had when I first joined the team at St Andrew’s to help look after “Oxygen”

This may sound strange to you, but I was pretty nervous the first few times I went to church. I

For almost 120 years, we’ve been a community used by God to proclaim Christ to our city and to build

How often do we long to hear “Well done” or “Good job”? When I was young, I didn’t particularly enjoy

Have you ever listened to someone pray from their heart or watched someone’s faithfulness in prayer? Maybe you’re like me,

It’s said that Ernest Shakelton, the famous Antarctic explorer, placed the following text in an English newspaper: “Men wanted for

Here at St. Andrew’s, we are fully committed to the received truth that the Bible is God’s word.  We are

The past few years have not been very easy for Hong Kong, but 2023 felt a little more hopeful when

I enjoy music; if you know me, you will know I have a talent for quickly recognising songs. This means