I enjoy music; if you know me, you will know I have a talent for quickly recognising songs. This means when I hear a song I’ve never heard before, I listen intently. Last year, a Scottish worship band released a new Christmas song, it quickly became one of my favourites when I listened to the lyrics. It’s called Prince of Peace by Celtic Worship, it goes like this:
“Birth that brought the morning.
A cry that meant the night would have to end.
Angel’s song announcing.
Blessed son come down to all mankind.
What was prophesied has come to pass.
Hope arriving means I’m free at last.
Prince of Peace, rule over me.
Prince of Peace, reign.
Oh come all you despairing.
There’s rest and comfort here under the star
Love fullfilled the promise.
Messiah take the crown here in my heart.”
In the midst of a world often filled with chaos, turmoil, and unrest, the concept of a “Prince of Peace” may seem like a distant and unattainable dream. However, just as the lyrics of the song ring true, Isaiah’s prophecy (Isaiah 9:6) declares the arrival of a child who would be known as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.
The fulfilment of this prophecy reminds us that God has already given the most wonderful gift that has ever been given – his son, Jesus. The Saviour of the world, who lay in a manger but brought the promise of unconditional love, unending hope, and eternal life to every person who believes in him. Christmas becomes a powerful reminder that the Prince of Peace is not a passive observer but an active participant in the struggles of our lives.

Christ's rule in our hearts empowers us to be agents of peace
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, what does it mean for the Prince of Peace to rule our hearts?
Firstly, it means acknowledging Jesus as Lord of every aspect of our lives. Jesus desires to rule our hearts. This requires a conscious decision to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with his teachings. It means trusting in God’s sovereignty, knowing that his plans for us are rooted in love and purpose.
Secondly, allowing the Prince of Peace to rule our hearts involves cultivating a spirit of peace. In the brokenness of the world, Jesus offers a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). By entrusting our worries, anxieties, and fears to him, we open ourselves to the transformative power of his peace, as we anchor our thoughts on the faithful promises and love of Jesus. This Christmas, let us exchange our burdens for the peace that only Christ can give.
Lastly, it means actively participating in the work of reconciliation. Jesus came to reconcile humanity to God, mending the broken relationship caused by sin. As Christians, we are called to reflect his image, extending forgiveness and love to those around us. In a season often marred by relational tensions, Christ’s rule in our hearts empowers us to be agents of peace.