Story Topic: Faith

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This year, over 60 countries are conducting elections. It’s said to be a global record, more elections this year than

I never thought of my journey coming to Christ as particularly exciting or dramatic, but upon taking the time to

Over the next two months, our sermon series will be in 2 Corinthians. This seems very much like a letter

Whether it’s a shattered dream, a broken relationship, or an unmet expectation, we’ve all experienced the sting of disappointment at

I’m incredibly excited that we are doing a sermon series on Deuteronomy. Moses is such a major figure in the

The recent Oscars reminded me of one of the unexpectedly thoughtful movies from the past year, Barbie. Maybe you didn’t

This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday, when we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. In this week’s passage, we read

At the grand old age of 58, after many conversations with loved ones and studying God’s word, I have decided

How often do we long to hear “Well done” or “Good job”? When I was young, I didn’t particularly enjoy

It’s said that Ernest Shakelton, the famous Antarctic explorer, placed the following text in an English newspaper: “Men wanted for