Serving as God serves

As a church, we recently spent a couple of months in the book of Deuteronomy. As you reflect on the series, I wonder what the highlights were for you? Personally, the second half of chapter 10 made a real impression upon me.

Verse 14 reminds us that God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. All the mountains and seas, stars and planets belong to Him. As verse 17a puts it, ‘The LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome’. Our God is high above, majestic and glorious, which makes what follows mind-blowing…

‘[He] shows no partiality and accepts no bribes. He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.’ (Deut 10:17b-18)

God does not revel in His own glory by keeping his distance and staying aloof. Instead He stoops down and shows compassion to His people. At the heart of God’s greatness is His deep concern for justice and care for the needy. God does not show favouritism to the rich and powerful, but his heart is drawn to help the weak. He protects the vulnerable and provides for the poor.

In the verse that follows, God calls us to do the same: ‘You are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.’ (Deut 10:19)

Just as God has loved us, so we are to love others

As God’s people, we too were once far off – enslaved by sin and cut off from God. But God loved us in Jesus and welcomed us into His family. Just as God has loved us, so we are to love others, especially the poor and marginalised. As God’s image bearers, perhaps we most reflect His character when we make sacrifices – by giving up our time, comfort, money and energy – to serve for the sake of others.

As a church, we partner with a number of Christian organisations that share the love of Jesus in word and deed with the people in need in Hong Kong. St Barnabas Home and Society provide food and practical help for the poor and homeless. The Home of Loving Faithfulness is a residential home for people with special needs. Christian Action serves refugees and asylum seekers, whilst Inner City Ministries serve the Nepalese community here in Hong Kong. Kun Sun Association shares the good news of Jesus with those in prison; and a team from our church visits elderly people who live alone.

There are plenty of volunteering opportunities with our mission partners – whether as an individual or as a group, to serve regularly or on a one-off basis. There are many volunteering opportunities to serve the church community here at St Andrew’s too. Our youth and children’s work, Sunday services and other ministries do not run without the help of many volunteers. We are so grateful for their faithful service.

To find out more information about volunteering, please visit our website: or contact me: Motivated by God’s great love for us, may we each prayerfully consider how we can reflect God’s character by serving others, for the building up of His church and the blessing of this city.

Ministry Volunteer Coordinator


What Does Jesus Say?

There is immense value in integrity, particularly in following through on promises. Issues arise when individuals fail to keep their