Story Writer: Michele Cheng

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  • Story Writers

Do you like to watch TV? Stream shows? Movies? Have you watched anything good recently? Whenever I come across something

I love advent calendars. They’re so fun! This year, I’m enjoying two simultaneously – one for chocolate and one for

Did you go on a holiday over the summer break? Along with about half of Hong Kong, I was able

That is the question I had when I first joined the team at St Andrew’s to help look after “Oxygen”

I’m incredibly excited that we are doing a sermon series on Deuteronomy. Moses is such a major figure in the

The past few years have not been very easy for Hong Kong, but 2023 felt a little more hopeful when

Baptism is such an exciting time because it’s a public declaration of one’s commitment to the most important and loving

My imagination is pretty active, and there are times when I’d wonder what it would be like to get in

The summer is a great time to get away and take a break. It’s also a valuable opportunity to reflect

Reading this week’s passage in Luke describing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, I’m pretty struck by the simultaneously humble and yet