A life of worship

Reading this week’s passage in Luke describing Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, I’m pretty struck by the simultaneously humble and yet grand entrance it all is. On the one hand, he is being praised and welcomed with great joy by a great crowd. But on the other, he is riding in on a (last-minute-borrowed) donkey. It reminds me of Jesus’ birth too – laid in a humble manger but worshipped by wise men, shepherds, and angels.

All this got me thinking, what does it look like to praise and worship Jesus as king today?

In my youth, I was pretty into this one particular Christian song by a Canadian artist called, “Life of Worship”. In it, there is one part where the lyrics go:

“May my life be my worship, my life be my song
May I praise you my saviour all the day long

From the sun in it’s rising to the night when it falls
May my life be my worship

‘Cuz it’s not only about these songs that I sing
My worship – it needs to be in everything”

Reading this back (and even listening to the song again), it does seem a bit cheesy, but I am amazed by the profound theological truths these simple sentences convey.

How much worship does the King of kings deserve? He deserves all of it!

a transformed mind that prioritises Christ’s glory over personal comfort

In many Christian circles today, we can oversimplify terms like “praise and worship” to mean solely musical expression of our faith. While this is beautiful and appropriate, it really shouldn’t stop there.

What might a life of worship look like?

It doesn’t have to be “flashy” in worldly standards, but it should be extravagant when it comes to personal devotion. (Romans 12:1-2) It should also be all-encompassing as we offer our whole lives to God as a “living sacrifice” and includes all areas of our lives.

Practically, this could look like everything from generous and consistent giving for the church and kingdom work, to long-suffering evangelistic efforts even at great social cost.

Personally, it can be a transformed mind that prioritises Christ’s glory over personal comfort more and more everyday (reflected in everyday decisions, big or small).

Whatever it looks like in your life, I pray that this Easter season you will be challenged to have an ever-increasing view of Jesus our King… and as a result, more extravagantly praise and worship him with every aspect of your life.

Pastoral Worker


Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me