Story Writer: Michele Cheng

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  • Story Writers

What was your last conversation with God like? Was it a lament as you poured out your soul through tears?

Growing up, I was always taught the importance of saying your “please” and “thank you’s”. I think this has really

Ever since restrictions got tighter in Hong Kong amidst the fifth wave, I’ve found that I had to slightly adjust

When I was asked to write something once more on getting through the difficulties of COVID restrictions, I’ll admit that

I don’t know about you but 2021 has felt like a blur that’s just whizzed by. If I had to

This will be a surprise to no one, but here at St Andrew’s we will never stop beating that drum

I’m an extremely introverted person. But if the pandemic lockdowns have taught me anything, it’s that human beings are social

I don’t know how your prayer life has been recently, but let me tell you, mine has been amazing. I’m

Two months ago, I left London to join the staff team at St Andrew’s as a “Pastoral worker”. It’s been