Story Writer: Alex McCoy

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  • Story Writers

Over the next two months, our sermon series will be in 2 Corinthians. This seems very much like a letter

This may sound strange to you, but I was pretty nervous the first few times I went to church. I

For almost 120 years, we’ve been a community used by God to proclaim Christ to our city and to build

Our lives are filled with reminders: we use calendars, set phone notifications, wear wedding rings, keep photos, and make contracts.

The recent Oscars reminded me of one of the unexpectedly thoughtful movies from the past year, Barbie. Maybe you didn’t

I used to have a rugby coach who loved repeating the phrase, “There’s no ‘I’ in TEAM”. It was his

Last Sunday, we thought about Jesus’ words to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask

On the 29th of October last year, we conducted an anonymous survey during our church services. The aim of this

It’s said that Ernest Shakelton, the famous Antarctic explorer, placed the following text in an English newspaper: “Men wanted for

Like many families, we have a nativity scene at home that gets displayed every Christmas. It contains all the usual