Story Writer: Alex McCoy

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  • Story Writers

Perhaps you’ve been confronted more recently by injustice. George Floyd and the scourge of racism, political and social unrest in

One of the classic Western nursery rhymes is ‘Humpty Dumpty’. Humpty Dumpty is a humanised egg, who falls off a

One of the characteristics of the early church was to show incredible practical care for people in need. We read

We are so delighted that we can resume our Sunday services this week. There’s that old saying, ‘absence makes the

Given that our Sunday services are resuming on the 7th of June, we’ve decided to extend our ‘Tough Questions’ series

This Sunday, we’re finishing our series in ‘Tough Questions’ by thinking about the question, ‘Why bother with church?’. If I’m

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. It’s a day that has historic roots from medieval times in ‘Mothering Sunday’ when people

Maybe you’ve been reminded recently that you’re not in control. The coronavirus has confronted us in a variety of ways

We are living in extraordinary times. It seems like COVID-19 has affected almost everything in life, creating the greatest global

Navigating life during a pandemic tells us some things about ourselves.   Panic buying tells us that we want things