Praying for our church in our city

Maybe you’ve been reminded recently that you’re not in control. The coronavirus has confronted us in a variety of ways with a sense of our own vulnerability and helplessness. Yet, the scriptures continually teach us that God’s people have an incredibly powerful resource: prayer. God promises that the prayers of his people are powerful and effective (James 5:16). When God’s people pray according to God’s purposes, things happen.

Our desire, especially in this difficult season, is that St Andrew’s will serve our city. Paul gives five suggestions in 2 Thessalonians 3 about how we can pray for our witness to our city.

God promises that the prayers of his people are powerful and effective.

First, pray that Christ will be honoured, ‘pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you’ (verse 1). Give thanks for all the people who have come to know Jesus at church. Pray that the gospel would be made known through us, so that others will know Jesus as well.

Second, pray for protection, ‘pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith’ (verse 2). Jesus told his disciples to expect opposition and trouble from the world because of the gospel. Ask that God will make you bold to face difficulties as you give expression to your faith.

Third, pray for obedience, ‘We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command’ (verse 4). Ask God to help our community to be obedient, to walk in the light because Jesus is the Light. People notice how Christians behave. Our holiness matters.

Fourth, pray for love, ‘May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love…’ (verse 5). Thank God for his unfathomable love for you. Pray that you would abound in your love for him and for those around you, even those whom you normally find difficult to love.

Fifth, pray for perseverance, ‘… and Christ’ perseverance’ (verse 5). As the years and decades go by, pray that you would not grow weary in sharing your faith with your colleagues, friends, and family.

Thank you for your generosity

We’ve been tremendously encouraged by the contributions church members have made to our mission partners. We continue to warmly invite donations of face masks, hand sanitizers, and supermarket coupons for distribution. Please contact Debbie ( for enquires about how to donate.



What Does Jesus Say?

There is immense value in integrity, particularly in following through on promises. Issues arise when individuals fail to keep their