Read our weekly stories

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If the past year was a product that you bought at the store, you’d probably make a complaint to the

In our midst are an incredibly vulnerable and marginalised community. Many refugees come to Hong Kong for shelter and safety.

Reflecting on Mother’s Day, my mom is not the perfect mom, but the things that matter she gets right. Her

This Sunday we’ll celebrate the Lord’s Supper. For most of us (except those who attend the 8.30am service), it will

I’m an extremely introverted person. But if the pandemic lockdowns have taught me anything, it’s that human beings are social

Many of you have shared with me how encouraged you’ve been with the resumption of our Sunday services. Whilst we’ve

Most of us appreciate feedback. We know that we can benefit from the wisdom and advice of a trusted friend.

Jesus rose from the dead. On this, Christians stake everything. We believe it to be a real event in the

I don’t know how your prayer life has been recently, but let me tell you, mine has been amazing. I’m

When I was growing up, my friends and I had a particular way of sharing chocolate bars: one person divides