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Perhaps you’ve heard of that saying, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. It’s

I washed my hands ten times yesterday, why? Because we are afraid that the invisible virus might adhere to people

This past year has been tough; a gloomy and persistent reminder that this world is not how it ought to

Normally, September is an incredibly busy time for our church. It’s the start of the new school year and lots

One of the things that the pandemic has highlighted, amongst many things, is that we are created to be social

Humans are creatures built for relationship. We normally don’t thrive isolated from one another. That’s one of the reasons why

Your normal holiday plans have been shelved. The kids will be doing school online again. The project at work is

Social distancing restrictions can wear you down. Compare the optimism that many of us had months ago to what you

It feels strange to conduct our Annual Church Meeting like this. This is the type of occasion when we should

Maybe, like me, you’re feeling disappointed. It’s not just that it’s been a tough year. It’s also that it doesn’t