Do you like to watch TV? Stream shows? Movies? Have you watched anything good recently?
Whenever I come across something good that I love, I’m usually pretty quick to recommend it to my friends and family so that more people can share in my joy. It’s also fun to be able to talk about it together and hear what they liked about it too. In instances when I’m super invested in a show or movie, I sometimes even feel a bit offended (I don’t mean to but can’t help it) if they don’t share my affection for a particular piece of work.
What about the greatest love of your life? As Christians, the thing that should capture our hearts the most is being loved by – and loving in return – our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
How quick are you to share and “recommend” the greatest news in the world to those around you?

I began to view evangelism as the most natural response to being a follower of Jesus.
If you’ve been going to church for more than 5 minutes, you will undoubtedly know how important it is for Christians to be involved in “evangelism” and telling the world about Jesus. I’ll admit that when I was a younger Christian, I wasn’t the most keen on this and almost felt like an annoying salesman or aggressive marketeer trying to push the gospel down people’s throats. At times, I’d even feel apologetic for disagreeing with some of my non-Christian friends’ worldviews.
It didn’t happen overnight, but as I grew in my relationship with Jesus, my perspective began to change. My love for him grew deeper and more genuine. I started to care less about what other people thought, but at the same time, I also grew to feel a great sense of pity for a world that my Lord created and loves.
Rather than fear and a sense of dreaded obligation, I began to view evangelism as the most natural response to being a follower of Jesus.
This mindset also helped me be a better friend to the non-Christians around me (I know there’s still a long way for me to go, but I’d like to think that I’m continuing to grow in this area). When I genuinely care for the person I’m sharing with, I find myself being less “pushy”. I listen more. I’m less easily offended when they disagree or even mock me for my faith. I’m more confident in my sharing, even though I definitely do not have all the answers.
This is not a guilt trip but simple questions to think about: When was the last time you had an open and honest conversation with a non-Christian in your life about the gospel? What more opportunities do you hope you will be able to have?
We can do nothing in our own strength, so let’s keep praying to our Lord Jesus Christ to embolden us to share his good news among the nations.