Your digital discipler

Once a week, my phone gives me a notification that makes me feel a moment of guilt, before I forget all about it. Maybe you get the same notification on your phone. It’s my weekly screen time. It’s that regular reminder about how much I’m connected to my phone; how much it effects and shapes my life.

Apart from your job or course, think about how much time you’re on a device each week. A recent survey in the US found that podcasts, games, news sites, social media, streaming entertainment, and other forms of media can account for upwards of 90 hours of your week. Compare that amount of time with how much you spend each week at church, in a small group, reading your bible or a Christian book, or speaking with a Christian friend. Compare the amount of time that you’re getting discipled by other Christians, to how much time you’re getting discipled by your device.

The reality is that we get shaped by what we read, watch, and listen to. Our values, priorities, habits, and worldview are always being shaped by our influences.

Our values, priorities, habits, and worldview are always being shaped by our influences.

Once a week, my phone gives me a notification that makes me feel a moment of guilt, before I forget all about it. Maybe you get the same notification on your phone. It’s my weekly screen time. It’s that regular reminder about how much I’m connected to my phone; how much it effects and shapes my life.

Apart from your job or course, think about how much time you’re on a device each week. A recent survey in the US found that podcasts, games, news sites, social media, streaming entertainment, and other forms of media can account for upwards of 90 hours of your week. Compare that amount of time with how much you spend each week at church, in a small group, reading your bible or a Christian book, or speaking with a Christian friend. Compare the amount of time that you’re getting discipled by other Christians, to how much time you’re getting discipled by your device.

The reality is that we get shaped by what we read, watch, and listen to. Our values, priorities, habits, and worldview are always being shaped by our influences.



What Does Jesus Say?

There is immense value in integrity, particularly in following through on promises. Issues arise when individuals fail to keep their