Who do you notice?

Who will catch your attention in a crowd?

There is a story in the Bible about Jesus’ disciples arguing over who is the greatest among themselves. Guess who Jesus noticed while teaching them on this occasion? Children!

When you serve children, you become part of something much more significant than yourself.

Mark 9:36-37 tells us that: “Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me…” In Jewish culture, this was revolutionary. Children were seen only as those who served adults, not the other way around!

Here at St Andrew’s, we follow Jesus’ example, and that is why we place value on children – just like Jesus did.

Children’s hearts, minds, and spirit are tender to learning about Jesus’ love for them. They are able to accept the sacrifice He made for them and the plans and purposes He has for their lives.

We partner with parents to help point children to Jesus. Typically this happens on Sunday mornings during our 9:30 and 11:30am services. Just two Sundays ago, eight children responded to Jesus’ invitation and prayed the sinner’s prayer and invited Jesus to be their forever friend.

We also have other special Youth and Children’s events during the year. This year, during Easter and Summer camps children learned to notice the dreams and desires, gifts, and personalities God gave them. One boy noticed he had a heart for agriculture and feeding the poor. Him and his family are now in the process of pursuing and obeying this call on his life.

When you serve children, you become part of something much more significant than yourself. You become part of affecting lives for eternity!

If you notice children as Jesus does, you can help in two specific ways. First, please pray for them and their families. Second, please get in contact with us to learn more about how you can volunteer and be a part of this vital ministry. I’d love to hear from you: carol@standrews.org.hk.

Children’s Ministry Director


What Does Jesus Say?

There is immense value in integrity, particularly in following through on promises. Issues arise when individuals fail to keep their