We Pray

Last week, Coldplay officially announced their 2025 Asia tour dates, and Hong Kong is on the list – I’ll be the first in line for those tickets! But it’s not just this news that has me thinking about Coldplay. Earlier this month, ahead of their upcoming album, they released a new song titled “WE PRAY.” What I love about this song is how it weaves snippets of scripture with deep human needs that we all experience. Look at these lyrics:

“And so we pray. For someone to come and show me the way”
“Pray I judge nobody and forgive me my sins”
“Praying on your love, we pray with every breath, though I’m in the valley of the shadow of death”
“Pray I know somewhere we’ll feel no pain”
“On my knees, I pray, as I sleep and wake, cause inside my head is a frightening place”

Whether you’ve been praying for years, haven’t prayed in a while, or have never prayed before, these lyrics will resonate in some way. They speak to our desire for guidance, our need for forgiveness, and our longing for love. They capture our yearning for relief from pain and peace in an anxious and chaotic world. They remind us that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to hold on to the hope for something greater.

God invites us to come to him in prayer

As Christians, we understand that the ‘something greater’ is God. Scripture reveals God’s character as one who listens to the cries of his people. Psalm 116 shows us a loving God who is not distant or indifferent but compassionate and attentive. Isaiah 55:6 encourages us, “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” God invites us to come to him in prayer with our burdens, confessions, thanksgivings and hopes, knowing he is faithful to listen and responds according to his will. Romans 8:26 tells us that even when we struggle to find the words, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, guiding our prayers and drawing us closer to God.

This song made me think about the millions of people who have and will hear it, many of whom do not know God. Although Coldplay is a secular band, God has the power to use this song to draw people to him. What if it encourages them to pray, perhaps for the first time in years or even ever? Whether it’s a long lament, a whisper of gratitude, or a simple hope, it might prompt them to consider who placed the desire to pray within them.

Let’s be people who pray. Firstly, pray that God would awaken a desire for prayer among his people, that they would pray with sincerity and depth. Secondly, ask God to use this song as a bridge for conversations about faith, allowing Christians to share their hope in Jesus. Thirdly, as God responds to our prayers, pray we would be quick to listen with patience and trust in the God who is faithful.

Media & Communications Manager


Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me