Terrance’s Story

In 2009, I was doing well in my career, but ironically, it was also one of the lowest points in my life. I wasn’t sure if God existed, but I decided to explore Christianity as a last resort. I committed to attend church for six months. I was absolutely ignorant to challenge God, asking him to reveal himself to me or I’d be “done” with church. However, God showed me that He is a forgiving God.

I attended St Andrew’s for six months, learning from the Sunday services, the Bible, and Christian books. The Sai Kung growth group taught me a lot about Christianity, but I was not yet a Christian.

Without us knowing, our eight year old daughter Lianne talked to the Vicar at the time, John Menear, asking to be baptised. This got John’s attention. He informed us and subsequently met with Lianne confirming her readiness. It encouraged me to think more about my faith and commit to Jesus. I was baptised with Lianne in November 2009.

Our spiritual journey over the next few years, as a couple and family, was extremely difficult. God’s unfailing love kept us going. He provided us with the necessary support through St Andrew’s. I would like to thank Ronny and Irene To, and many other friends whom I cannot name all here. They are always there for us. Our faith became stronger, and with God’s help, we persisted in our spiritual journey.

we know God is faithful, so we rely and rest upon Him

Out of the many amazing lessons that I received at St. Andrew’s was from the “Men’s Fraternity” course. Over a hundred men studied the Bible, shared, and reflected on being better husbands, fathers, sons, and followers of Jesus. We spurred each other on in our faith.

At our 25th wedding anniversary in 2014, supported and witnessed by twelve other Christian couples from St. Andrew’s, I got the courage to get down on my knee and apologise to my wife Agatha for all the mistakes I had made, and vow to love her in a godly way. It was a wonderful evening of encouragement by God’s Spirit and the support of Christian friends. God has given me a wonderful wife in Agatha. 

Fast forward to the last few years, life has not been easier. In some ways, it has been even more difficult. But we know God is faithful, so we rely and rest upon Him. 

Our Christian journey is like an ultra-marathon. We need to support one another in this race. Our church, Alex, and the pastoral staff are here to help us along the way. It can sometimes be scary asking for help, but just say a prayer, raise your hand, and help is always around.

In the upcoming Confirmation service, please be my witness and support, to reaffirm my commitment to living as a disciple of Christ.

St Andrew's Member


Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me