St.And Youth

Almost every Sunday morning and Friday evening, St.And Youth meets with a whole bunch of youth between the ages of 11 and 18 years old. This is because we believe that Jesus loves young people and calls them to follow him. We also believe that people at this age can establish a strong faith and live for Jesus in all areas of their lives. In fact, the vast majority of Christians decide to follow Christ before the age of 18! So, this is a really important ministry at St Andrew’s as we aim to walk alongside these young people through this key transitional period of life.

As I am sure all of you remember, being a teenager can be a bit tough, especially in Hong Kong where the pressure to succeed at school can be overwhelming. It is also the time where most people are starting to form their views on the world, their sense of identity, and figuring out what sort of influence they want to be on others and what sorts of influences they want to receive.

We aim to provide a space where questions can be asked, life can be shared, requests can be prayed for, and the Word of God can be taught.

At St.And Youth, we aim to provide a space where questions can be asked, life can be shared, requests can be prayed for, and the Word of God can be taught. All of this happens so that the youth can grow through this period of life with the support of Christian adults who are encouraging them down the path of faith.

As mentioned, a key part of St.And Youth is the ministry of the Word. Similar to the main services, we also focus on expositional preaching as we make our way through different books of the Bible. We recently spent some time on our Sunday morning services going through the book of Daniel. Daniel was another youth who faced great pressure but chose to follow the path of faith.

The other key focus of our ministry is the building of relationships and community. We aim to do this through sharing life together, deep discussion, prayer for each other, and hosting fun events to help create connections and friendships. We spend a lot of time in smaller groups, separated by age and gender, to help facilitate the building of these relationships. A few weeks ago we even had a big youth group social at Ryze trampoline park!

If you would like to support St.And Youth please keep us in your prayers! We’re also always in need of more volunteer leaders, so please prayerfully consider if this could be a way for you to serve the kingdom of God in this vital ministry.

Youth Ministry Director


What Does Jesus Say?

There is immense value in integrity, particularly in following through on promises. Issues arise when individuals fail to keep their