Sherman’s Story

I was born and raised in Hong Kong. Growing up, I was immersed in a few Christian schools, but never imagined I would turn to the Lord Jesus one day. I was confused and thought the Bible was boring. I did not take scripture lessons seriously. As long as I passed the Religious Studies exams at school, I ignored the Bible. Today as I look back, I can see God has been paving the way for me.

Last August, my friend Kenny suggested that I attend St. Andrew’s Church. It opened up the opportunity for me to take part in the Christianity Explored course. Revisiting the Bible as an adult, I discovered so many treasures in the Bible that I had missed. For the first time, I was moved by how much God loves us. He has given us His Son to save us! Jesus is sinless; He sacrificed Himself to cleanse us from our sin so we can be reconciled to God and enjoy a relationship with Him. Can there be a greater love than that? I was so touched that I started re-reading the Bible; this time not to pass exams but as a follower of Jesus!

Getting baptised is not merely a ritual but more of a symbol of death and resurrection. In the Bible it says, ‘count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 6:11). As I get baptised, I proclaim the death of my sinful life and my new life as a follower of Jesus. God has led me onto this right path and I am to align my life with Christ.

I proclaim the death of my sinful life and my new life as a follower of Jesus

All my siblings are devoted to Christ. Since I turned to Jesus, we have enjoyed a more intimate relationship; we are constantly sharing our Christian lives now with one another. They have helped me to uphold my faith, and guided me on my journey as I continued to search for the truth and wisdom of the Lord. One evening we prayed together; it was the very first prayer we prayed together as a family. Moved and encouraged by how God’s love had changed us, I shed tears of joy. I can never thank God enough for His love and grace.

I am also thankful to the church for providing me with what I need for my journey as a Christian. I now regularly attend the 11.30 service on Sundays and Growth Group on Wednesdays. These are good opportunities for me to know the Bible better and to reflect, to understand the gospel more deeply and learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.

I used to think I was smart and knew everything. I was judgmental and difficult, and did not realise how much I had hurt others. Now with Jesus, I want to set aside my ego and put all my efforts into understanding God’s Word. Following Jesus will not be easy; it will require lifelong effort and ongoing repentance. But as I grow in faith, God will transform me into a more loving and caring person. I am to love Jesus wholeheartedly. As we remember how much God loves us, may His love overflow as we share His love with others.

St Andrew's Member


Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me