God’s Kingdom is topsy-turvy. King Jesus gave up the glories of heaven and stooped down to serve. He washed His disciples’ feet before He went to the Cross to die for sinners like you and me. So the Christian life is one of service. Jesus says He did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life for many (Mark 10:45). We serve because God first served us.
God has also made us into a church family. The Bible describes the church as a body with many parts, each part with its role to play (1 Corinthians 12). God has given us all different gifts to serve one another. So if I don’t serve, I’m withholding good from God’s people. Or if you don’t use the gifts God has given you, we are all missing out!
If you don’t use the gifts God has given you, we are all missing out!
Perhaps we wonder what gifts God has given us. Sometimes we don’t find out until we give things a go and try things out! Sometimes God takes us out of our comfort zone so we learn to depend on Him and not ourselves. Volunteering is an opportunity not just to develop new skills but to grow in our faith.
Here at St Andrew’s, there are many opportunities to serve. We are always looking for volunteers to join our welcome teams, serve as youth and children’s leaders or to help out in other ministry areas. Often there is no better way to get to know others in the church family than by serving together. In his letter to the Christians in Philippi, the Apostle Paul gives thanks to God for their gospel partnership, their deep fellowship and active participation in the shared work of spreading the gospel.
Wonderfully, the opportunities to volunteer extend beyond our doors. St Andrew’s partners with different Christian charities to reach out to those in need in Hong Kong with the good news of Jesus.
If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch with Claudia (claudia@standrews.org.hk) or visit standrews.org.hk/volunteer