New Year, Same God

The ending of a calendar year provides a natural opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months. For some, 2024 may have been a happy year of desires fulfilled, while for others, it may be remembered for all the wrong reasons, making the prospect of a fresh start in 2025 particularly welcome. Yet, the future remains uncertain – who knows what the New Year will bring?

Some years are marked by significant events, while others may feel rather unremarkable as life simply rolls on day by day, month by month. Regardless, each successive year brings change and new possibilities. These changes can occur suddenly or unfold gradually over time. The reality is that both life and society are in constant flux and we can never be entirely certain about what the next calendar year will hold.

Consider a few pivotal moments that have shaped all our experiences over the last century. The St Andrew’s Life Centre, where much of our Sunday worship takes place, has only been a part of our church’s history for just shy of 10 years. The advent of the smart-phone era began with the launch of the iPhone in 2007, less than 20 years ago. Octopus cards, now such a standard part of daily Hong Kong life, did not even exist 30 years ago. Looking back even further, Kai Tak Airport had yet to see its first flight in 1924. What did people do when they weren’t absorbed in their smartphones, making contactless payments, and flying to Japan twice a year for holiday?!

Life is constantly changing, and we have little certainty about what the future holds. What do you imagine your life will be like at the end of 2025? What about in 2035?

Jesus came to offer life to the world

The uncertainty that comes with a new year can evoke both excitement and anxiety. With world politics as unpredictable as it has ever been in recent decades, an ever-changing society that continues to be dominated by rapid technological advancement, and ongoing uncertainties for many with regards to employment, relationships, and health, it is entirely understandable to feel unsettled and anxious about the future.

Despite these uncertainties, there is assurance to be found in the enduring truth of Jesus Christ. In Malachi 3, God says, ‘I the Lord do not change.’ We find comfort in the holy God of grace, mercy, and truth. There is surety in the Lord God who was and is and is to come.

This truth is not only for us; Jesus came to offer life to the world. What is also unchanging is every person’s great need to meet Jesus. Therefore, please continue inviting your friends to church. Our upcoming teaches series ‘Meet Jesus’ is a great opportunity for them to get to know him as we look at stories of individuals whose lives were transformed by their encounters with Jesus. 

Associate Minister


Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me