Making the best out of Sundays

It’s impossible to overstate the privilege of being part of Sunday church: to be able to meet with God and his people; to be able to speak with and hear from the King of the universe. What we do on Sundays is not supposed to be merely out of habit, or convenience, or enjoyment. Church is God’s appointed means to both build us up into spiritual maturity, and reach the world with his gospel.

Christians are encouraged to continually meet with each other to spur one another onwards to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25). So how can we make the most of our time together on Sunday?

Together we are God’s children through Jesus Christ.

1. Make church attendance a priority. Most of us have crowded schedules, which sometimes makes getting to church a struggle. It’s easy to get in the habit of coming to church infrequently or scheduling other events instead of church. Growth happens when we’re eager and committed to meeting with God and his people. Please don’t let your schedules crowd out God.

2. Pray beforehand. Prayer is always the best start in preparing for anything. Pray for yourself and others, that during our time together God will teach us and enable us to draw close to him in faith, love, and obedience.  Prayer not only demonstrates dependence on God, but also creates a sense of expectation that he will work in us.

3. Read the bible passage. God promises to speak to us through the bible. Get a head start on thinking about what will be taught by reading the bible passage beforehand. You can get the upcoming Sunday’s passage in the church’s weekly email. Ask simple questions of the passage like, “What does this tell me about God?” and “What does this tell me about me?”

4. Arrive on time. This enables you to participate in the whole service and keeps you from being a distraction to others by coming after the service has started. It also communicates an enthusiasm and urgency to meet with God and his people.

5. Welcome each other. Christians have a deeper connection with each other than we can ever imagine. Together we are God’s children through Jesus Christ. We need not act like strangers. Take the time to welcome each other, especially people you haven’t met before. Get into the habit of learning people’s names. This goes a long way towards creating community where we all feel a sense of connection and belonging.

6. Stay after church. Sunday church is not just an event, it’s a community of God’s people. If you are able, stay afterwards to get to know others and minister to those in need. Talk about what you’ve learnt in the service. Organize to have a meal with others after the service. Getting connected with people is a great investment.



Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me