Light in the darkness

Have you noticed that some people seem to be drawn to darkness and fear? In many ways horror movies and the celebration of Halloween demonstrate this thirst for darkness. Last week I was reminded of the powerful example of a Christian who lives out Ephesians 5:8: “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Andrew Brunson is one such example, someone who has been a light in a place where darkness tried to silence him.

In 2016, Andrew Brunson, a pastor from the United States, was arrested in Turkey, where he had served as a missionary for over 20 years. He and his wife, Norine, had moved to Turkey in the 1990s to start a small church, aiming to share the love and hope of Jesus with the Turkish people. Their ministry focused on discipleship, teaching the Bible, and serving their local community. However, during a period of political unrest in Turkey, Brunson was accused of espionage and terrorism, leading to his imprisonment.

For two years, Andrew was held in prison, enduring harsh conditions and isolated from his family. He faced pressure to renounce his faith and confess to crimes he didn’t commit. Yet, despite the darkness surrounding him, Andrew clung to his faith in Jesus. He continued to pray, worship, and share the gospel with fellow prisoners.

Andrew’s imprisonment gained international attention, and Christians around the world prayed for his release. His story became a powerful reminder of what it means to live as children of light, even when surrounded by persecution. In his darkest moments, Andrew relied on the promises of Scripture, reminding himself of God’s faithfulness. He was eventually released in 2018, a testament to the power of prayer and perseverance.

the light of Christ cannot be extinguished

What strikes me about Andrew’s story is not just his resilience, but his deep conviction that even in prison, he could be a light for Christ. His faithfulness during those two years inspires me to stand firm in my faith, no matter the opposition I face. Andrew said, “Jesus Christ is worth it, whatever the cost,”; his life is a living example of Ephesians 5:8.

As we think about Halloween and our society’s focus on darkness, Andrew Brunson’s story reminds us that no matter how deep the darkness, the light of Christ cannot be extinguished. We are called to shine that light wherever we are, whether in the safety of our homes, in our workplaces, or even in places of persecution. Like Andrew, we can reflect the light of Jesus.

Whilst many may focus on fear and darkness, we have the opportunity to live differently. Andrew Brunson’s story reminds us that we are saved by the light of the world: Jesus, and that even in the most difficult circumstances, the love and hope of Christ will always shine brighter.

Assistant Minister (Youth)


What Does Jesus Say?

There is immense value in integrity, particularly in following through on promises. Issues arise when individuals fail to keep their