Lasting Joy

There’s no shortage of advice on how to find happiness and fulfilment. We’re bombarded with self-help books, motivational speakers, and social media influencers, all promising the key to a joyful life. Yet, despite this abundance of guidance, many people still find themselves longing for something deeper, something more enduring than fleeting happiness.

Do you remember Bobby McFerrin’s song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy?” Bob Marley made it famous. While the tune is catchy, pretending to be carefree and forcing a smile doesn’t actually bring lasting happiness. The “fake it ’til you make it” approach to joy might work temporarily, but it can be exhausting and unfulfilling.

So where can we find a true and lasting joy?

According to the Bible, joy is ultimately rooted in our relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the source of our joy, filling our hearts with gladness and peace. As we abide in Him and surrender to His will, we can experience true and lasting joy.

This doesn’t mean we’ll never experience sadness or disappointment. Joy isn’t about having a perfect, problem-free life. We’ll inevitably face challenges and hardships, but like the Apostle Paul, we can learn to be joyful and content in any circumstance. Or, like the Apostle James, counting all our times of trial as pure joy. We can find joy in the midst of suffering, knowing that God is with us and will never leave us.

joy is ultimately rooted in our relationship with Jesus Christ

Our joy isn’t dependent on our past regrets or future worries. Instead, it’s found in the present moment when we encounter God. We must be mindful that joy is a fruit of the Spirit. This means that joy is not something we can manufacture on our own, but rather it is a gift that comes from the Holy Spirit. I’ve learnt that joy isn’t the absence of sadness—it’s the presence of the Holy Spirit. Joy flows from our relationship with Jesus, and it’s about trusting in the promise that God will always be with us. Psalm 16:11 reminds us that “In your [God’s] presence there is fullness of joy.”

In John 15, Jesus Himself tells us that He wants us to have His joy. He says, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Jesus knows that our joy is incomplete unless it is found in Him. He wants us to experience the same joy that He had. His joy was not dependent on His circumstances but rather on His relationship with the Father.

True joy requires a shift in perspective. Instead of seeking happiness in external things like success, wealth, or relationships, we must learn to find our joy in God. Our joy serves as a window into our hearts, revealing our deepest desires and beliefs. Therefore, we need to discern the source of our joys and ensure they align with God’s truth and righteousness.

Let the joy of the Lord be our strength in times of trouble, our comfort in times of sorrow, and our delight in times of elation. May we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, and find true, lasting joy in His presence, now and for all eternity.

Media & Communications Manager


Reasons to Read

Last year, I finally caved and bought a smartwatch. I’ll be honest; it drives me crazy. It constantly nudges me