Sometimes it’s easy to underestimate church. It’s easy to relegate church to the second tier “nice to have but not essential” category of our lives and so prioritise it accordingly in our schedules. However, church not an accident of history. It’s not a divine afterthought. On the contrary, church lies at the very centre of the eternal purpose of God.
The story of the Bible is the story of God fulfilling the promise: “I will take you as my people, and I will be your God” (Exodus 6:7; Revelation 21:3). That means, we are not saved individually and then choose to join the church, as if it were some club or support group. Rather, Christ died for his people, and we are saved when by faith, we become part of the people for whom Christ died.
John Stott says that God’s purpose, conceived in past eternity, worked out in history, and perfected in future eternity, is not just to save isolated individuals and so perpetuate our loneliness, but rather to build his church and to call out of the world a people for his own glory.

when church seems mundane, God is working powerfully
So, what does all of this mean to us at St Andrew’s?
Firstly, it means that whenever we gather for church, whether on Sundays or in groups during the week, we’re involved in God’s extraordinary plan for history. Even when church seems mundane, God is working powerfully.
Secondly, as individuals, we should think intentionally about how we connect with one another as a community. Practically speaking, we often say that active membership of St Andrew’s involves five things: regular attendance at church on Sundays, involvement in a Growth Group, praying regularly for the church, volunteering in one area of ministry, and giving financially towards the ministry. We often encourage one another against passivity; to be ministry producers rather than ministry consumers. We grow spiritually when we’re deeply involved.
In a more formal sense, be informed about how St Andrew’s is organised. On 7 May is our Annual Church Meeting (ACM). One of the main tasks of the ACM is to elect the Church Council. The Council is made up of twelve Council Members, two Trustees, and is chaired by the Vicar. The Council has a delegated authority relating specifically to the care of church property, the provision of the administration and finances of the church, and giving voice to congregational matters. The Council meets monthly.
We warmly encourage you to be involved in our ACM. How can you do this? Firstly, if you consider St Andrew’s your spiritual home in HK, make sure you sign up to the Electoral Roll (ER). To do this, you need to be a baptised Christian, attending St Andrew’s regularly for over 3 months, and not a member of another church. You can find out how to sign up to the ER online or at our Welcome Desk. Second, please make sure you come along to the ACM. Third, pray for the Council and the election of Council Members.