Often, I think of the St Andrew’s community as an ornate tapestry. Just as individual threads in a tapestry are woven together to produce something more beautiful and strong, so it is when people join together to form our vibrant community. Each of us come to our church community with our own story, gifts, and personality. When we connect and care for one another, we’re like individual threads woven together to make something even more beautiful.
Individual threads of wool are not particularly strong on their own. But when they’re woven together, they become strong and durable, likewise for Christians. As we’re connected and mutually dependent on one another in a caring community, we become stronger in our faith.

in a caring community, we become stronger in our faith
So how can we care for one another at St Andrew’s? There are at least three areas in which we seek to provide care for one another.
First, our Growth Groups are the main context for pastoral care. Care happens best in established relationships. These small groups are where we can get to know one another deeply, to spend time with each other, study God’s word together, provide for many practical needs, and pray for one another’s needs. Normally in these groups, people will connect to a few people more closely. Over time, they’ll feel more comfortable in sharing personal joys and achievements, struggles and sins. Practical care can be provided more directly and effectively during times of acute difficulty.
Secondly, St Andrew’s also provides practical care through our ‘CARE Fund’ (Community Aid Relief and Emergency). This fund exists to provide financial support for church members going through challenging times or crisis. This fund is also used to give support to asylum seekers and refugees.
How can people access these funds? Applications are handled confidentially by a small committee of staff and lay leaders. At first instance, you can contact one of our pastoral staff. Church members are also welcome to donate to this fund as a practical way of caring for others and supporting the work of the gospel. You can donate directly to this fund through the giving page on the church website.
Thirdly, pastoral staff are available to meet with church members who are going through more acute difficulties. These difficulties include bereavement, divorce, and addiction, which are often beyond the ability of Growth Groups to provide appropriate care. Sometimes support groups are also set up for people going through similar experiences (such as bereavement).
A final encouragement. Sometimes our tendency when in difficulty is not to seek help but to suffer quietly. If you are in need, can I encourage you to reach out to the church family for support.