Prayer Points


“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,  the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,   and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary  and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary,  and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord   will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;  they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:28-31). Give thanks that in a turbulent and unpredictable world, God is in control and we can have complete security in him; even though we tire and are weak, he is always strong. Pray that we will always find our hope and comfort in him.


Bangladesh. In our cycle of prayers for the world, pray for Bangladesh, this predominantly Muslim country with 25% of its people living below the poverty line. Pray for wise government that seeks to care for the needs of the poor, especially during the current tensions which have seen over 100 protesters killed this week. The Bengali people remain the largest people group unreached by the gospel. Pray for the local church, for its faithful witness to Jesus, and for godly leaders to be raised up to shepherd God’s people.

Ongoing conflicts. Continue to pray for areas of current conflict and war: for Israel and Gaza, Ukraine, Eritrea, Yemen, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Pray for peace, for the protection of innocents, for humanitarian aid to reach those in need, and for lasting solutions to old animosities.


Pray for those who are especially vulnerable in HK; for the homeless and those without adequate housing, and the poor. Pray for wise government policies that meet the needs of the poor. Pray for charities and NGOs like ‘St Barnabas’ Society and Home’ and for the ‘Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor’, who seek to care for those without adequate housing and raise awareness of the needs of the poor; pray for their provision so that they can meet the needs of those in their care; and that the love of Christ would be known. 

Give thanks for our city’s health care system: for doctors, nurses, therapists, and support staff who work to care for the afflicted. Pray for their wisdom, perseverance, and example of compassion. Pray for wise government policy in health care, especially in providing care for the poor and vulnerable, and the mentally ill. Pray for Christians working in health care, that they’d use their gifts and opportunities to care well for people and share the light of Christ.


Youth ministry. Give thanks for our Youth ministry, for the leaders who give their time and wisdom. Pray that our youth would hear God’s word faithfully taught, that God would grow faith, helping the youth to prioritise Jesus and learn to follow him; and that God would awaken faith in those who don’t yet know Jesus, helping them to make Jesus their Saviour. Pray for the recruitment of volunteers to lead in this ministry.  

Community of care at St Andrew’s. Give thanks for our community. Pray that we’d be intentional in forming and investing in spiritual friendships at church, where we can support one another in faith and give practical care. Pray for the lonely and the disconnected at St Andrew’s, that they’d find spiritual community and care, growth and support.