Prayer Points


“Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the LORD, ‘You are my LORD; apart from you I have no good thing.’ You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:1-2, 11). Give thanks to God for a new lunar year, for God’s constant provision and grace upon us. Apart from him, we have no good thing. Pray that in the coming year, we would make God our refuge, and find unceasing joy in his presence.


China. During this CNY, pray for China. Pray for the central government that it would put policies and laws in place that will benefit the majority of people and lead to economic, social, and political improvements and the flourishing of society. Pray the pursuit of economic growth and prosperity would not be all consuming, but that people would ask questions about life and faith. Pray for Christians in China, that they would grow in faith and holiness, give active witness to their hope in Jesus, and persevere under trial. Pray for the raising up, training, and good support for pastors and church leaders, and that they would shepherd their flocks faithfully, relying on the Good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus.


Give thanks for the opportunities to celebrate Chinese New Year. Pray for wonderful times of family reunion. For those families where there is tension and hostility, pray for forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity. In this time of family reunions, pray for Christians around HK, that we might be salt and light to our non-Christian family, boldly and graciously sharing the hope that we have in Jesus.

Pray for our city’s government led by John Lee. Pray for that it would govern with justice, integrity, and wisdom, using its resources and opportunities for the good of all in our city. Pray that the needs of the poor and the refugee, the marginalised and the voiceless would be met. Pray for effective policies in areas of housing affordability, health, and education. Pray for Christians working in government service, that their work would be marked by integrity, humility, and excellence. Pray that people in our city would not be given over to despair or disunity, but to hope and consideration for the needs of those around them.


Give thanks for new people coming to St Andrew’s, either looking for a church home or exploring faith. Pray that they find a welcoming community and can make connections and friendships. Pray that faith in Jesus would be awakened and grown.

Give thanks for the opportunities that we have to share the gospel with others, especially the Hope Explored course that’s just concluded and the upcoming Cantonese Alpha course. Pray that we would be a light in our city, proclaiming the good news of Jesus as we gather for church, but also as we scatter during the week, sharing our faith in our homes and workplaces. Pray for wisdom, creativity, grace, and boldness as we seek to proclaim Christ. Pray that as we ask people questions about life and faith, that they’d come to put their hope in Jesus.