Dear Parents,
We had a wonderful start to our new Sunday School year last week. The children played a Thanksgiving game where they stood on a world map and talked about the countries they visited during the summer. We prayed for these nations as well. We also began learning our monthly memory verse, which you may want to adopt as a family. In addition, the children enjoyed games to get to know each other, and learned about listening, obeying, and working together.
Parenting with Grace and Purpose – Parent workshop
Thursday, 19th September, Time: 7:30pm-9pm.
How do we thrive (and not just survive) in the busyness of the family years? We’ll consider how to model the grace of God as we parent through different stages, and how to set purposeful goals because parenting is a long-term vocation! This workshop will include overarching principles and practical ideas, helping you apply them to your parenting situation. Suitable for parents of children aged 0-18.
Morning Tea and Children start in church – 15 September 2024
On the third Sunday of every month, we have Morning Tea after the 9:30am and 11:30am services. We would appreciate your help in bringing food to share, such as cakes, scones, muffins, sandwiches, and biscuits. You can place the food on the trolley in the South Lobby where you will check in your children. Also, please remember that on the 3rd Sunday, children will start in the church with their parents before they leave for lessons in the basement.
Creche: Children will hear a Bible story about God creating the World, Genesis 1+2.
2021+2020: Focus – Zacchaeus learns to love Jesus, Luke 19:1-4.
2019+2018: Focus – We can listen to God’s Word, 2 Kings 22:1-11; 23:1-3.
2017+2016: Focus – Keep believing Jesus can help your family, Matthew 15:21-28.
2015+2014: Focus – Do your best to get along with others, Genesis 13.
Please help your child learn our monthly memory verse.
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew 22:37-39.