We need one another

One of the incredible images that the bible uses to describe Christian community is the human body. It’s a picture of our dependence on one another. Just as the whole body is dependent on the heart for blood and the lungs for oxygen, so Christians need one another and the gifts that God gives each of us. Our mutual spiritual health is dependent on our inter-connectedness, all of us using our gifts for one another.

Of course, many of us live incredibly busy lives. Between family, friends and work, we have lots of commitments. Sometimes serving at church seems like one commitment too many. However, the Bible reminds us that serving is not just for the benefit of others, it’s also for our own benefit. We grow in spiritual health and maturity as we serve others. Serving is for your good!

Serving is for your good

Over the next two Sundays, we’re recruiting volunteers to serve in our ministries. Here are three things to keep in mind when contemplating how you can serve.

First, look at the needs around you. This is a variation on ‘who is my neighbour?’ Our aim is to meet one another’s needs. There are all sorts of ministries that you can get involved in: ushering, welcoming, children and youth, evangelism, and outreach with our partner organizations around HK. These ministries cannot function without your involvement.

Second, consider your abilities and affinities. What are your gifts and interests? Often we discover our gifts through simply getting involved. Our church staff also provide training and support.

Third, seek input from others. Talk to your spouse, your friends, or your Growth Groups members about opportunities. It’s healthy to make a serving commitment that you can keep and is manageable. And of course, pray. Ask God to show how you can use what he has given you for his causes.

We believe that if each person who calls St Andrew’s their spiritual home got involved in just one ministry, there would be no more needs to fill. Not just that, all of us would be growing in our faith as we seek to serve God’s kingdom together.
